Star Explosion Will Be Visible in Night Sky, Astronomers Say


From September to Now, keep your eyes open for an amazing night show.

Not for ordinary old fireworks, that is, but for a unique celestial event: a nova explosion from 3,000 light years away that's forecasted to blaze into our night sky and become observable to our naked eyes in the Northern Hemisphere.

NASA claims the nova explosion, which is necessarily when a binary star system explodes, will go out from the T Coronae Borealis star system and will be as shining as the North Star for about a week.

Then this blazing light will diminish and won't be visible again until maybe 80 years in the future. Previously, this star system went nova was in 1946.

If you desire to seek out for yourself, the nova explosion is expected to seem as part of the arc-shaped constellation Corona Borealis, which is situated between the constellations Bootes and Hercules.

Sometimes, binary star systems blaze into a nova explosion, in which hydrogen from one star rise on the floor of an orbiting white dwarf star. 

After a huge growth of hydrogen, temperature, and pressure, the dwarf star throw out the hydrogen layer in a spectacular and very shiny thermonuclear burst.

That is what's occurring in T Coronae Borealis, a binary star system made up of a red giant and a white dwarf star.

From too closely, the nova explosion must be a harsh event that would affect the rafters of heaven. 

But from our perspective, safe on Earth, it will be bright, wonderful twinkle.
